Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chinese New Year's In Hong Kong

Waking up at the wee hours of noon, we headed off to eat Dim Sum. Man was I happy to eat Chinese food again. Since we missed the fireworks last night we just got to enjoy the lanterns set up everywhere. After lunch we went walking around the Tai Po area in hopes to get some shopping done. Unfortunately everything was closed today and won’t be open until the 6th of Feb. Since today is technically the first of the New Year. Duh.  The only places that are open today are the restaurants and food dispensing places. (ie. Convenience stores, grocery stores and fruit stalls.) Today everyone for the most part were all dressed up, the little children running around wore traditional red outfits.

Karrie and I got red envelops from my family, ya money! 

Our day has been quite the lazy one I do have to say, I went through a huge pile of clothes from my Grandma. (she is the most insane, neurotic pack rat I have ever met with no organizational skills) So my grandma has accumulated all these items of clothing I spent most of the day going through them. I ended up taking some things I thought were just cheesy enough that I could pull off wearing without laughing at myself.

Nearing the season finale of Dexter (FYI: best running TV show I have watched, mind you that I don’t watch any actual TV) We were ushered to ‘Fairwood’ a silly Chinese/Korean/Japanese chain fast food restaurant right next to my grandma’s apartment. I thought it was really pricey but no one wanted to cook or head to a fancier joint to wait in a huge line up at a noisy restaurant. So Karrie and I ordered spare rib and peaches/sweet and sour pork it wasn’t half bad but much pricier than anticipated. Tomorrow we have to get up real early and we are off to Macau.

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