Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I am homesick?

Somewhere on this vast place we call Earth there is a small city named Edmonton, 
it resides in North America in a queer multicultural place called Canada.
The locals there manage the four seasons and extreme elongated cold winters with festivals of all ethnicity  drinking on patios, at house parties and bars.
I haven't been there in what feels like eons ago,
I wonder sometimes if I will remember those acquainted faces.
Or better yet if they will remember mine.

I miss customer service, food standards, good directions and the ability to communicate with others in English.
I miss all the dance floors, the nearest Wee Book Inn, riding at top speed on my BMX and stopping to read a book at a park bench in the summer.
I miss calling up a friend at random from my phone book, buying tickets for a show and getting geared up in my clothes to head out for a night of spontaneous events.
I miss those strolls in the river valley, brisk meanders to work in the morning and day dreaming in the at Tim Horton's listening to my music really loud.
I miss bumping into friendly faces when I run my errands around town, reading the free local paper whilst waiting at the bus stop and knowing how to get to my next destination via public transport.
I so dearly miss my art supplies, my wardrobe, my bed....and a place semi permanent enough to set it all up.

I yearn to be reunited with my friends and family no matter where they are.

Tatsuya Ishida can share some humor I could not convey.

I miss you all, until I see you again, back to that corner where we went our separate ways.

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