Friday, May 1, 2015

Crowdfunding update

First of all, thank you everyone for all your support!!!  The amount of people that I have reached out to have responded in the most loving and compassionate way.

Most of all just being present for me which has gone above and beyond my expectations. I have personally contacted you to take a look at the campaign and some of you have taken the time to share! I've had over 750 people watch the video but it isn't quite enough, so I have to keep on trying.

In top of that, handfuls of fantastic people have gone above and beyond and contributed to my cause. <3

Current situation: I have already faced some scrutiny in regards to the project I have created. Trying to stay strong and most of all not giving up on this dream of mine. Internally I find it very hard to ask people for money, then again we toss a fiver as a tip - a Starbucks frappe - or something as simple as that extra beer at the bar. Financial support is a whole other ballgame.

The way I've done it is that it would be up to the the individual to put their money where they see fit. If it isn't something they support or feel right forking over hard earned dollars, it's really alright, I completely understand.

The internal flickers of hope that it is an obtainable task are there but I haven't stopped working working hard to find the right people to contact. 

First it was fellow travel writers who have become successful in what they love to do. Then Facebook pages and groups, hotels, travel agencies, magazines, radios channels, podcasts, crowdfunding forums and local establishments. 

I made an account on reddit and contacted Monster, Red Bull, Westjet, Stride Gum and North Face. (I have received a reply from Red Bull, WestJet and North Face) It's became daunting overnight and I had thought to myself before I give up I should start thinking about plan B... 

It's overwhelming and when it has the ambiance of non-profit case it instantly made it harder to sell. Without the physical evidence, it isn't easy to find people to will just outright believe in you without meeting you first hand. Even then... Strangers can love.

Any help would be greatly recieved but I think that maybe, just maybe I have bit off more than I can Chew. 
Either way, it is time for me to travel on.

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