Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Return to Toronto

Since Jen has decided to throw her laptop at me, roll over and give up typing for the day, I guess I'll have to write this post as well as finishing off the last one. Life is hard.

Our return journey to Toronto took far too long. The train was delayed for over an hour whilst it was searched (it has just come over the border from the US so the mean-lookin' customs dudes were all over it), and the crowd very nearly turned into a mob before we were finally allowed to board. End result, we didn't get back into town until about 9:30pm, and it was gone 10 by the time we reached our new hostel and found to our horror that the terrible painting from the last one was here as well.
We spent the evening planning how best to tackle the three places left on our City Pass in the time we had left, and then ended up sleeping in and cocking the plan of action up completely. We skipped the castle and went straight to the Science Center, which was a bit underwhelming and far too school-trip-oriented for our tastes, although there was some fun stuff to play with and some cool turtles, as May 24th is World Turtle Day.

It's MY day, where are my presents?

After passing an hour fiddling with science we set off to the zoo, the journey to which left us stuck on the TTC for another hour. Still, we made it, and found out that the zoo was open til late and we probably could have squeezed in the castle after all - oh well. Comparing the price of going everywhere separately vs. the City Pass we still made a saving, and left our last passes at the hostel for some lucky travelers to make use of.

The zoo was quite impressive, with lots of animals from all over the world. We reached the hippos in time to hear their keeper talk about them and feed them apples. We encountered the Worst Enemy of Jen, a capybara that did nothing wrong, and high fived a peacock.

Poor rhino only had a faker for company.

I will kill you with my eyes.

Capybara Must Die.

'Oh no, I just fell over and spent ten minutes trying to get up. The only logical thing I can do now is fall over again!'

Having successfully navigated the zoo, we dragged ourselves back across town to our hostel and gorged ourselves on pizza and lasagne and a bottle of Dr. Pepper fit for Thor himself. Tomorrow, we fly out to Seattle; soon we'll be renting a car and driving out to the gorge for Sasquatch - the first music festival for both of us in at least two years.. We are indescribably thrilled. The fact that this time tomorrow we will never have to ride the TTC ever again is also a nice thought.

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