Thursday, September 30, 2010

In Venice

Take 1: before the lines were written we tried to do it improve stylez.
Take 2: the line has now been written and propped up on a beer bottle off the set and Karrie has decided to become director instead of actress
Take 3: Karrie got the location right but forgot who was who.
Take 4: Karrie again has gotten the location correct, but Steve messed up his lines. I am trying to direct him, unfortunately I have had a little to much to drink. 
Take 5: Someone burped in this video...making it no good. Steve forgot his lines!!
Take 6: I tried to take over...everyone gave me a hard time about hogging the camera. Steve got his first line correct but got the case of the giggles. Bonus video: 60 seconds of improve from Danny.

Take 7: We took a break after a couple takes and came back to try again many more beers later. Steve went to a shoe-street earlier that day. He believes that Karrie has bad knees (even though it was only one the whole time) I cannot explain the 'mangy-monkey bars' Ask Steve.

Take 8: This was our final take, Steve decided that there should be music playing during this video. I don't know why we didn't think of adding back round music earlier. 

Karrie Auger: Actress, cinematographer, lighting crew
Danny Jordan: Actor, screen play, producer 
Steve Cordan: Actor, dancer, beer drinker 
Jenny Tam: Director, lighting crew, audience

Thank you all for investing your time in watching these videos because you will never get that part of your life back. Enjoy. :)

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