Monday, August 1, 2016

Let's begin Swing Summer!

I haven't written anything in so long and I keep talking about writing all sorts of things, from songs, to short stories. I figured that the best way to start going with the whole writing thing is to begin at the beginning.

I was finally nearing the end of the semester and I can't even quite say it like that since the whole term was only 10 grueling weeks of ultra condensed courses. Hiding at home studying and not really doing a whole lot of anything. I went to KAMP and that was all she wrote.

A while back I decided that this summer had to be something worthwhile to work towards. I had been working two jobs and taking three full-time classes and felt like I was losing myself to the weight of responsibility.

SO this is where Swing Summer comes in, swing has been seeping in but a good friend of mind really turned me onto it this season. This is where the story begins.

As soon as finals were finished I wrapped up the final days of work and was almost ready to take off, I had already hit vacation mode.

Either way like clockwork the 1st came! It was finally time to take off...when I say take off I mean a bus off to Calgary. Small baby steps back into the great big world. lol

Nicky and Ava, on our way out to the outdoor pool! Sunny Sunny! I love summer.
A very short stay in Calgary (Thank you Nicole! You are my hero, let's try to meet up soon) but it was just the first bridge to many, then it was time to board another bus and be Vancouver bound!
Oh mountains! 

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