Sunday, October 17, 2010

A night in Pai

So Karrie and I went out on a fabulous date nite.
That is right I said DATE NIGHT.

We got dressed up and were ready to have a night out in Pai. (BTW: Pai is a beautiful hippie haven, with art, environmentally friendly people, hand made crafts and good people)

So we started off with dinner, Chili Cheese Nachos with Chicken Quesedilla....and blue lagoon margaritas.
After wards we went walking down the walking Saturday street market, bought each other gifts and a blue berry pancake for the road.

We got flyer'd for a bar called Ting Tong, the bar was a beautiful located outdoor. They gave us a free shot upon arrival (Thai whiskey) this was not good. Some beers and tequila sunrises later we left. I decided it was time to eat again, so we stopped off at with a live band and open stage bar ate an omelet on rice. I fail at tiny jenga (see picture below) and Off to the reggae bar.... bought a rasta bucket. YUM. (Rasta bucket - Captain Morgans, Sam Song and something else.)

Karrie did her first burn in Thailand, not only was it cool it was sexy.

I had a face to face combat with a praying mantis. Whoah. Jen says, " That is not a cricket, that is a muther fucken Praying mantis yo!!!" Shit son. Flail. Flail. Flail.

I lost at pool. Tis was gay.

I was hungry, so I left, Karrie yelled at me, I walk to fast. I yelled at her, left her on a bridge, then i felt bad.
We hugged.

Off to 7-11 to get food. We bought: Miranda root beer, water, cake sandwich., bugles, ham and cheese sandwich, pistachios, Hawaiian pizza, spiral croissant and raisin bread.

We ate it, well most of it.

When we woke up there were pistachios and bugles in the bed and on the floor and opened cans of root beer that are still full.

1 comment:

  1. I miss Jenga and Buckets and you girls in Thailand!! Thanks so much for the blogs Jen, Nice to be there with you gals in spirit! <3
