Sunday, October 21, 2012

Arthur's Seat

The ascension is the incline upwards towards the right.
Today is the day that we aimed to climb Arthur's Seat. A uniquely put together volcanic mountainous hills in the middle of Edinburgh. A historical and very interesting piece of land with all sorts of terrain making it a very enjoyable 'hillwalking' adventure. Plus we were blessed by the gods with beautiful weather!

The sun was beating down after the uphill climb we came around the corner to find this. 
On our way up became higher than the hills around us. 

When we reached the top I thought we were finished but the seat was still ahead of us. 
 Accessible from every corner and surrounding hills we came across a little bit of everything. From a steep dirt incline to largely formed rock staircase but not without a bit of slippery slimy rocks and muddy patches.
This was taken when I first thought we reached the peak.
from upon Arthur's seat.
The scenery was breath taking and give you a much better perspective on how big Edinburgh city really is. With the old town, new town huge landmarks like the Stadium you can see it all even out to the ocean and around the bay to the other side.
On our decent down on the other side since we didn't want to backtrack there was so much more to see.
Having climb few mountains in Scotland Giolabhal Glas, Ben Nevis and now Arthur's seat this one is the best by far. mind you climbing your backyard mountain is a great adventure when you are accompanied by mystery and a wilderness explorer kitty.

This walk was by far the best one I have done since I have arrived in the UK. I would highly recommend this free walk to anyone in or travelling through Edinburgh.

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