Sunday, June 23, 2019

A lot has happened

The beauty of the internet is even when you come back to a blog you had poured your heart and soul into years later it is still there waiting for you. Like a good friend that never forgot your good stories that you were willing to share.

Life takes hold and you become lost in time, what do you do when you want to recap your life into something that future you and other yet unknown passersby.

I used to start a long forgot blog post with a "So let's start at the beginning" but now I am no longer that person. Maybe I am since I did make mention to it.

Personally, days turned in years right before my eyes. Things changed, we moved around and all of us who are lucky enough are still making our way through the hard days alone but the better days with friends and laughter.

The big limitless world doesn't need to know everything that has happened but here we go anyways.

I finally got into a job that I love and can be good at with minimal paperwork and desk responsibilities. Nothing that is out of my parameters of life experience. I am more honest now with my work and even more so about where I am going with the time that I have put in towards it.

A part of life perhaps.

My living situation has changed immensely and it has been lovely enough for me to earn the pseudo-title of "Nomadic" once again. A house on wheels allows us to travel anywhere we want to go, I know that the distance that this type of home can provide is nothing like getting on a plane. Alas, being a bit more neurotic in my humble abode has been a good thing.

Finally, I can sit down and assess my needs from my wants, what is harmful and what isn't on a bigger scale starting with myself. It seems very fitting that the importance of these minor changes can allow one to be more involved with all aspects of life.

Changing my thoughts on family started to occur and this is due to overcoming bigger obstacles with a supportive and loving soulmate. This opened windows and doors to the opportunities available for living a good life. Balancing emotions and going through them has given me perspective and as we all know, that is all we can do besides embracing change.

Honestly, I feel like the growth that I have done makes the day seem like minuscule tasks in the present day have a bigger purpose and meaning.

All in all the time we spend doing the things we love whether we take a break or not always brings us back to our roots. If that is challenging then it is what we are meant to be doing.

Lead by example is what he says, so never feel bad about doing what needs to be done now. Since the present day is all we really got. Thanks for reading.

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