Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I heart China

My University students

Almost all boys class.

My Sunday morning class.

My Favorite and smartest class.

Summer Camp good-byes.

Funniest class, with my favorite co-teacher.

My students and I.

My Medical class.
I am leaving China in 10 weeks, I figured I should jot down somethings I enjoyed and made me happy in China. Inspired by today's events.

Disclaimer: There is nothing negative in this note. Everything has been converted into Canadian dollars.

1. Students are really friendly and remember the small things that I have told them about me.

2. Students shower you will apples wrapped up in pretty plastic paper on 'Teachers day'

3. When students give me gifts to show me that they like me. aw. ie. stickers, candy, snacks, Christmas cards OR like a 'Soul Eater key chain (Soul: in scythe form)

4. When students name themselves based on Anime and movie characters that I know ie. Death the kid, Edward, Alphonse, Megatron, Connan, Ryan Reynods, Ariel, Evangelion and many non TV names that just make you laugh. (commentary: Chinese students get to name themselves whatever they want) I had a kid named Helicopter

5. When Chinese people give you free things just because they want you to try it OR think you just need it.

6. When taxi drivers are really nice to me and try to teach me Chinese.

7. I love my local corner store! It is a really cute old Chinese couple, they always try to help me improve my Chinese.

8. My fruit stand lady tells me my Chinese is getting better every time I see her.

9. Chinese people are fairly helpful when you can speak to them in their own language.

10.Traveling around the city is uber cheap. for a 10 minute taxi ride$0.90. for the bus $0.15. for a 2 hour train ride out of town.$2.50

11.FOOD!~ IS UBER CHEAP for a plate of fried noodles$0.90. for a plate of fried rice$0.80. for a bottle of water $0.15 Reference: A McDonalds Big Mac meal is still $4.50

12. Custom made clothing is also really cheap. $50 for a custom made suit and $35 for a custom made dress.

13. You can smoke and drink almost anywhere.

14. Everyone at work greets me by my first name even though they don't speak English. (some do)

15. I like being called 'teacher' and 'Ms.Tam'

16. You can hit up a KTV anytime and sing at the top of your lungs.

17. There is no GST or PST, and you can barter with almost anyone.

18. Street foods is really good. They also sell fruit on the side of the road.

19. I think its funny that Chinese people sleep anywhere when they take a break from their outdoor job.

20. Medicine here is fairly cheap.

21. China makes you really appreciate western toilets

22. You meet some of the coolest foreigners abroad. Teachers are really great individuals.

23. Chinese people thinks your awesome because you have traveled around and are born in another country.

24. My Chinese teacher kicks ass and she is a great cook.

25. Parties here are on a whole different level, in a good way.

26. There are tons of new places to explore. China is a big place.

27. Most of the time I smile when there are to many people on the bus, it makes me feel like I'm a sardine tin.

28. Chinese fruits and vegetables are uber fresh.

29. Students parent's will always thank you with free meals for teacher their children.

30. People here don't judge you.

31.Chinese people have great traditions.

I think I'm done for now if I remember anymore I will add them to the list.

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