Sunday, February 15, 2015

Global Degree After thoughts.

How have I never heard of this before? If it wasn't for my friend Brett I would have never found out.

I know now more than ever that there are brave travelers that want to see the entire world!

I hope that I can be one of the females that has been to every single country in the world.  Doing it on my own it will be very hard for me to accomplish this but it is an epic task I am willing to take on.

I have made my application and now it is all about voting. I am sure whoever gets picked will enjoy their journey. Most of all I will be there on the very same journey.

After thoughts, so after watching the most motivational video compilation of amazing-ness, on the verge of illness with anticipation waiting for the guys to announce the winner. I realized that I wanted this. A lot.

I am willing to take the pledge and do it. The world is big but in the end there isn't a place in the world that I cannot go. Blown away with the fact that I got 100 votes in less than 12 hours (right before the deadline, thanks everyone) I even got over 280 views on my YouTube video, I can how many people who are willing to support me. <3

Travel is my life, it makes me laugh, smile, grow, count my blessings everyday and most of makes me stronger. I can't see myself doing anything else.

I am a girl who travels alone but I am never alone as long I have my friends cheering me on. Now I have this community of beautiful confident and most of all passionate women who want to do exactly what I have been doing the past five years.

We will find a way.

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