Wednesday, July 6, 2016

KAMP Festival

WOW, like wow. I have been thinking to myself how I would go about describing what KAMP was like and all I could muster up is that it is pretty damn BODEGA (which later on I found out is convenience store) In my mind it was one sexy party!

On our way out we stopped in Golden BC to meet up with Kevin's friends before driving out together. A couple random ferry rides and we made it to our final destination for the weekend. I couldn't wait for what was to come and to be entirely honest I have very little idea of the dynamic of this party was going to play out.
The activities alone had me wandering around being super curious, being a on a colour team was amazing since that brought people together in a different way than usual. I love it when people change up the undertone of a party. Loved every minute of it.

The first day had so many events and shows but my favorite out of all of them was definitely Bass Caravan!

The rest of the day was pretty chill with some dancing and story telling under the stars a girl couldn't ask for a better Canada Day. I totally forgot we were even celebrating the long weekend I was having so much fun at KAMP.