Sunday, December 7, 2014

Arrival in Yogyakarta

When we arrived in Yogyakarta we grabbed some pizza to recharge our batteries before anyone got seriously hangry. Pizza in Asia is always better than back at home :) 

As we walked though a little district over to our hostel my eyes were glazed over with motorbikes, street food and even a man casually having a smoke with a fair sized snake around his neck. 

On our arrival we were given a brochure to visit Brobradur and another temple for sunrise. You get picked up at the hostel at 4/5am to catch the sunrise. At this point of the day we wanted to make sure that we utilized this time we had available. Sure why not $15 sounds like it will buy us a fantastic 9 hour day. 

4am it is. 

In the evening we were greeted by fellow travelers which came from the same hostel in Jakarta. Time to find a reggae bar, but before that street food time. I find out that on one of the street markets (marbro...I think) there was wifi? Someone needs to implement this for the rest of the world. If Indonesia can do it, why can't you?

The bar street is near the station and the precise were relatively 'expensive' according to Asia. ($3-$6) either way time for sleep it will be a hella early start. 


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