Saturday, July 14, 2012

Glasgow - Uig - Tarbert

So after getting up at the ungodly hour of 6am, it was time to skip our complementary breakfast and get to the bus station. We dragged our things down the street in search of breakfast to go, but didn't find any. We did however saw girls wandering around with no pants on (trousers) and drunken people stumbling back home, kind of sad that we didn't get a chance to party in Glasgow. Maybe next time.

We rolled through the highlands for about 3 hours we arrived at Fort William, the second largest settlement in the highlands after Inverness. Even with that decorum it isn't very big, though it is picturesque with the lake, near Ben Nevis, a steam railway and a Morrisons. Upon arrival we were informed there would be a 30min beak for us to stretch our legs and grab a bit to eat. When we returned after 20 mins a very angry lady was screaming about how the bus should have left 5 mins ago.

After another 3 hours of rolling hills through the highlands we arrived in Uig, silly name I wonder what it means. I will have to look that up later (it means 'bay', which makes a lot of sense). I got travel sick so when we got off the bus off to buy our ferry tickets and grab a bit to eat since I needed to recalibrate. Soup of the day and a toastie later I was feeling better, we had about 4 hours to kill before the ferry arrives.

I was hoping that the ferries around here would be more frequent but if you were standing where we were you would understand that it isn't really a place with a lot of things happening on a daily basis. Mostly just a travel port for people to get to where they needed to get to. We sat by the bay playing guitar until it got a bit chilly we migrated to the ferry station to avoid the wind for a little while. I was getting anxious and was hoping that ferry would arrive early which it did not, it did just the opposite it came 20 mins late. When we finally got on the ferry I read my book for awhile and passed right out until we were ready to dock.

We were finally here after two full days of travelling and waiting we have landed at our new home. The hotel was busy with the people that got off the same ferry as us, so they stuck us in a room at the hotel. It was lovely, we explored the mini bar and things, it was nice being able to stay at this place to know what the customers were getting. I know it is unlikely that we would be able to stay in the hotel for the time we were here but it was nice to have the train run. The manager stuck one last food order for us from the menu before the kitchen closes. Time to get some rest.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwsome!!! so happy to hear you have arrived, yeay steam train!
