Saturday, December 4, 2010

Leaving Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Serendipity Beach

So after 3 days of painting the bar 'Dolphin Shack-Facebook Link' and after finish writing this post it will be 4 days that we have worked on it, it is time to make a move.

We will be catching a sleeper bus tonight at 8pm and skipping Phom Penh, straight to Siagon (Ho Chi Minh City) for Sunday morning.

Over the last little while I have made some realizations and have made measurable strides in who I am, and someone said that this was going to be a life changing experience. Oh were they right about traveling for a long time, talk about self exploration.

I will definitely be sad to leave my new found friends that I have made and  all the friendly faces when I walk down to the bar. The opportunity to do the painting for the bar has been another mentionable note on the fact that my art is being noticed. (Also Karrie bought a piece from me for $3US which makes me a real professional artist!!)

Okay before I leave Cambodia I have to make mentions to the two odd things I have encountered.

1. While Karrie and I were walking back to the guest house after our belated Thanksgiving dinner. Two men on a moto bike drove by. The man sitting in the bitch seat decided to stick out his arm...then he hit me straight across my chest. I felt like he just clothes lined me. After a little bit of investigation we found out that he was trying to steal my purse but was unsuccessful.

2. On our last day Karrie and I were sitting around and talking waiting for our lunch. An old foreign man approached me and asked if I would do 2 hours for 300 dollars. I was shocked beyond belief that he thought I was a sex trade worker. Is it because I am Asian?I figured that he would have gotten the messages with our strange stares to his perverted proposition. About 10 minutes later the same old man came back and asked if I would do a short while for 75 dollars.....I was like, "What are you talking about?" in disbelief.  Karrie then piped in and said out right "Shes not a hooker!" then he just walked away non-nonchalantly. Well that has never happened before.

After a handful of sad good-byes we had to go catch our bus....I think this was my most emotional parting yet since I had made friends with everyone that worked at the bar.

Here the facebook link to the video!! 

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