As some of you may very well know I am in love with hanami (the cherry blossom season) I timed it in Taiwan so I could come back and celebrate this joyous occasion. Not only do I get to spend time with friends and family I happily get to soak in all the lovely spring feeling. The flowers aren't just a reminder of my time in Japan but much more than that, it holds a very calming feeling of freedom.
I took some time this year and went to Hie Shrine to get my omikugi (written oracle, or a fortune) which gives you little tid-bits of advice and what the year will entail. I got a recommendations from one of my students to visit this shrine so I made a little video here. Don't mind the cheesy music. :P
The best part of this year's hanami is the fact that I got to spend it with some lovely friends. New and old together talking freely about whatever we like with open minds and happy faces surrounding us. I really felt like I was truly on vacation. Plus all the alcohol helps :)