Thursday, June 27, 2013

Back in Edmonton

Coming home is always something I look forward to since all my friends are here. Between spending time with everyone and being able to relive good times in familiar places. Of course as time passes by we all grow and with that perspective changes, I realize that if I had the opportunity I would rather migrate my friends to where I will be stationary verses staying on a place I once call my home town. 

As much as I miss everyone I love here, i know that this isn't my end destination and the wonders of the world continues to call my name.  I can't ignore what is burning so bright inside me, waiting for my Japanese working visa is like that purgatory limbo. You know when you are waiting at an airport for the next chapter in life. 

Now I have my visa in hand and am counting down the last week of my stay at home. It has become apperant how ready I am for this part if my journey. I have always been aware of fhis possibly but this step I take will be a personal definition of what I will become and keep with me for life. Changes will be hard having to leave again, say my goodbyes to my mom and my friends that I call my family. Even though most have started their own families I want to be able to keep in touch and revisit their lives when it is time to cross paths again.

As I gather my belongings deciding what I want with me for the next year I feel liberated and satisfied with my next life decision. There are certain people I am going to miss dearly, I'll need to make the extra effort to stay in touch. Remember to keep in touch keep reading the blog and send emails to me with any questions or comments.

Much love <3